Dibuix naturalista

“Nature is painting for us, day after day, pictures of infinite beauty if only we have the eyes to see them.”

“La natura ens pinta, dia rere dia, imatges d’una bellesa infinita si tenim els ulls per veure-les”


John Ruskin,  was an artist, scientist, poet, environmentalist, philosopher, and the preeminent art critic of his time.

El traç de la natura

Jordi Sabater Pi, primatòleg i professor pioner en la recerca sobre l’etnologia dels ximpanzés


“There are very many kinds of drawings. The ones now laid on the grass were written like letters.”

“Hi ha molts tipus de dibuixos. Els que es trobaven ara estesos a l’herba estaven escrits com cartes”.

John Berger, pintor, escriptor i crític britànic